About Judicial Corruption around Memphis

Corruption can or may exist where there is community indifference or a lack of enforcement policies. The forms of corruption can vary. They can include bribery, extortion, the misuse of inside information, and so on. Corruption is said to be improper and usually unlawful conduct intended to secure a benefit for oneself or another.

Corruption can or may exist even in the judicial system around Memphis. They say that judicial corruption refers to the corruption-related misconduct of judges, through the receiving or giving of bribes, the improper sentencing of convicted criminals, bias in the hearing and judgement of arguments and other forms of misconduct.

How about prosecutors or attorneys? They say that judicial corruption can also be conducted by prosecutors and defense attorneys. For example, it is mentioned that prosecutorial misconduct can occur when a politician or a crime boss bribes a prosecutor to open investigations and file charges against opposing politicians or rival crime bosses in order to hurt the competition.

Let’s think about the examples of attorney misconduct. It would be a defense attorney refusing to represent a client for commercial, political or professional motives in various kinds of clandestine forms. How about so-called “personal injury lawyers“? They may have hidden deals with insurance companies or other attorneys ’behind the curtain’ or ’under the table’ while betraying their clients or stabbing in the back of their clients. Who knows?

If and when you feel that you experience or suffer from a horrible crime, extreme unfairness or a serious injury whatever the reasons are, and if you want to pursue “Justice” in the judicial system around Memphis, do you think you can get such justice with ease? You may not be able to do that easily.

It is not only so demanding and stressful to navigate the U.S. judicial system, but also there is great possibility that such system may not function well or not be that efficient because of judicial malfunction or corruption. Each cases can be different, but it may not be that easy to establish indivisual justice whatever the cases are. Actually, it is very difficult process to do that, which requires great level of money, time, energy, and emotion.

It is said that judicial corruption can be difficult to completely eradicate, even in developed countries. If you believe that you can pursue, find and establish “Justice” in the judicial system around Memphis, you may be one of the naivest guys around Memphis. The Memphians should try to think of and find the CONNECTING LINK among corrupt judges and white-collar criminals. And such corrupt judges should be put in prision. In the same manner which they put other criminals in the prison.

Nobody is above the law in the United States. Lawmakers are not the kings here. And the judges are not the kings, either. The same standard of law should be applied to them, too. Like any other Americans.

[MemphisTV Editorial]


Published: September 2, 2021

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