An Ultimatum to the White-collar Criminals around Memphis

Today we issue an ultimatum(最後通牒, 條件附 開戰宣言). We give an ultimatum to the white-collar criminals around Memphis, TN, AR, and MS.

What is the definition of ultimatum? The definition of an ultimatum is said to be a demand which, if not met, will end a relationship or otherwise result in some serious consequence. The ultimatum tends to contain the threat of military force.

An ultimatum is said to be a threat to carry out an act if some other condition is not met. In short, an ultimatum is a threat made by one against another, usually someone of lesser power.

An ultimatum is usually delivered by the one with more power than the other. That’s why an ultimatum tends to be usually issued by a stronger power to a weaker one, since it wouldn’t carry much weight if the one giving the ultimatum couldn’t back up its threat.

What are the examples of ultimatum? Near the end of World War II, the Allied powers issued an ultimatum to Japan: surrender completely or face the consequences. Japan rejected the ultimatum, and within days the U.S. had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing some 200,000 people.

Former President George W. Bush issued an ultimatum to Ṣaddām Hussein, giving him and his immediate family 48 hours to leave Iraq or face removal by force. Saddam Hussein didn’t leave until that deadline, and people know what happened after that whether President Bush was right or wrong. Mr. Hussein can‘t breathe fresh air anymore as you do in the year of 2021. Because he‘s gone.

When a woman says to her boyfriend “Marry me or I am leaving you,” this is an example of an ultimatum in terms of indivisuals‘ relationship. “Their employers issued an ultimatum demanding an immediate return to work“, this can be another example of ultimatum. Employees can make their ultimatum to their employers, too, in case of some circumstances. A government can deliver a final ultimatum to the terrorist groups.

So what? We issue an ultimatum to the white-collar criminals aroud Memphis. We give them and their immediate family 6 months to leave Memphis or face some serious consequences.

Where can or should they go? It’s up to them. They can go anywhere they want, but they cannot stay here in Memphis. If they like estern coasts, how about their going to New York? If they like western coasts, just go to Los Angeles. If they want to try their new lives in Texas, how about their going to Houston?

Wherever they want to go, it is their choices. No problem. But they cannot stay here in Memphis anymore. They should leave. And they must leave. They cannot stay not only in Tennessee, but also in Arkansas and in Mississippi. They can’t say within these 3 States, which has or are near to Memphis. That’s why.

Those white-collar criminals have 6 months to leave out of Memphis. If and when they leave out of here, they will not come back to Memphis. Never. Good luck and we hope it goes well. Finally, if they don’t leave Memphis within 6 months, they should consider what they need to pay for in their lives here in Memphis eventually.

What is an ultimatum again? They say that it is a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations. According to Merriam-Webster, ultimatum is a final proposition, condition, or demand, especially one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action.

People may not understand what we’re saying, but history will show what we’re talking about.

[MemphisTV Editorial]

Published: September 15, 2021