Evisceration around Memphis

Evisceration is said to be a method of autotomy involving the ejection of internal organs. To eviscerate a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, such as their heart, lungs, and stomach

They say that evisceration is a surgical technique by which all intraocular contents are removed while preserving the remaining scleral shell, extraocular muscle attachments, and surrounding orbital adnexa. The surgery often includes placement of an implant into the evisceration cavity to maintain appropriate orbital volume.

The possibility should not be excluded that the business of evisceratoin may have existed or may exist in Memphis in Tennessee, around Arkansas, and around Mississippi.

The human bodies are valuable, precious, or priceless. If somebody’s organ is out of order or ruined, then if the person needs, wants, and can pay for its replacement, that means the demand of the market can exist in terms of human organs. If someone can have access to human organs whatever the reasons are, and if the person wants and can sell them, that means the supply of the market can exist in terms of human organs.

If both supply and demand exist in a market, the remaining issue may or can be the EXCHANGE of such supply and demand in the mechanism of the markets. And the PRICE for such exchanges of the items may or can be another issue for the participants in the market.

Memphis is notorious for its high rates of violence. When you watch TV or read newspapers about the local communities, you can watch, read, or hear, almost always everyday, that such crimes of violence have occured or just occured around Memphis. People were reported in the news that they were injured and sent to hospitals, or were killed on the spot or died in the hospitals later.

Wait a minute. As we said in another editorial before, Memphis is not only a city of physical crimes, but also the city of white-collar crimes. Then, what if physical violences and white-collar crimes were united or combined physically and/or chemically around Memphis?

It is a scary scenario. But such possibility or hypothesis can or may exist.

A lot of perpetrators and victims of gun violences are sent to medical institutions around Memphis whenever horrible crimes happen. That means that a lot of corpses are seen and produced.

Think about this. There was a case in which a female corpse was raped in a hospital around Memphis. Such bizarre and disgusting cases can happen anytime and anywhere around Memphis. Think about Memphis. It’s Memphis! Anything can happen. And it is the city of white-collar crime, too.

The Memphians should think about or scrutinize whether all the laws and regulations have been abided by in terms of the procedures of dealing with the corpses, especially in terms of the victims of gun violence.

MemphisTV Editorial

Published: September 25, 2021

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Abraham Lincoln may be wrong in Memphis

Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. What is he known for? What made him so great?

He is regarded as one of America’s greatest heroes in the course of American history especially due to his role as savior of the Union and emancipator of enslaved people. They say that his distinctively humane personality and incredible impact on the nation have endowed him with an enduring legacy.

He is famous for the Gettysburg Address. He bolstered the federal government, and modernized the U.S. economy. At 6 foot, 4 inches, he was the tallest president. And he was the first president to be born outside of the original thirteen colonies.

The American Civil War(1861–65) is said to be the country’s greatest moral, cultural, constitutional, and political crisis. The central cause of the war was said to be the status of slavery, especially the expansion of slavery into newly acquired land after the Mexican–American War. Abraham Lincoln spoke at the dedication of the Gettysburg battlefield cemetery on November 19, 1863. The Address became the most quoted speech in American history.

In 272 words, and three minutes, Lincoln asserted that the nation was born not in 1789, but in 1776, “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”. He defined the war as dedicated to the principles of liberty and equality for all. He declared that the future of democracy would be assured, that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

What if Abraham Lincoln stayed in and looked around Memphis in 2021 by means of a time machine? He may think or say “Oh, I may be wrong”. Why may he think that way?

Because the local governments around Memphis don’t seem to be such governments “of the people, by the people, and for the people“, especially “for the people”. A lot of Memphians think that local governments just don’t care about the local people. Those vocabulraries like ‘power’, ‘money’, and/or ‘corruption’ seem to occupy room for ‘the local people’.

So it is our argument that Abraham Lincoln may be wrong AT LEAST IN MEMPHIS.

[MemphisTV Editorial]

Published: September 16, 2021

An Ultimatum to the White-collar Criminals around Memphis

Today we issue an ultimatum(最後通牒, 條件附 開戰宣言). We give an ultimatum to the white-collar criminals around Memphis, TN, AR, and MS.

What is the definition of ultimatum? The definition of an ultimatum is said to be a demand which, if not met, will end a relationship or otherwise result in some serious consequence. The ultimatum tends to contain the threat of military force.

An ultimatum is said to be a threat to carry out an act if some other condition is not met. In short, an ultimatum is a threat made by one against another, usually someone of lesser power.

An ultimatum is usually delivered by the one with more power than the other. That’s why an ultimatum tends to be usually issued by a stronger power to a weaker one, since it wouldn’t carry much weight if the one giving the ultimatum couldn’t back up its threat.

What are the examples of ultimatum? Near the end of World War II, the Allied powers issued an ultimatum to Japan: surrender completely or face the consequences. Japan rejected the ultimatum, and within days the U.S. had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing some 200,000 people.

Former President George W. Bush issued an ultimatum to Ṣaddām Hussein, giving him and his immediate family 48 hours to leave Iraq or face removal by force. Saddam Hussein didn’t leave until that deadline, and people know what happened after that whether President Bush was right or wrong. Mr. Hussein can‘t breathe fresh air anymore as you do in the year of 2021. Because he‘s gone.

When a woman says to her boyfriend “Marry me or I am leaving you,” this is an example of an ultimatum in terms of indivisuals‘ relationship. “Their employers issued an ultimatum demanding an immediate return to work“, this can be another example of ultimatum. Employees can make their ultimatum to their employers, too, in case of some circumstances. A government can deliver a final ultimatum to the terrorist groups.

So what? We issue an ultimatum to the white-collar criminals aroud Memphis. We give them and their immediate family 6 months to leave Memphis or face some serious consequences.

Where can or should they go? It’s up to them. They can go anywhere they want, but they cannot stay here in Memphis. If they like estern coasts, how about their going to New York? If they like western coasts, just go to Los Angeles. If they want to try their new lives in Texas, how about their going to Houston?

Wherever they want to go, it is their choices. No problem. But they cannot stay here in Memphis anymore. They should leave. And they must leave. They cannot stay not only in Tennessee, but also in Arkansas and in Mississippi. They can’t say within these 3 States, which has or are near to Memphis. That’s why.

Those white-collar criminals have 6 months to leave out of Memphis. If and when they leave out of here, they will not come back to Memphis. Never. Good luck and we hope it goes well. Finally, if they don’t leave Memphis within 6 months, they should consider what they need to pay for in their lives here in Memphis eventually.

What is an ultimatum again? They say that it is a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations. According to Merriam-Webster, ultimatum is a final proposition, condition, or demand, especially one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action.

People may not understand what we’re saying, but history will show what we’re talking about.

[MemphisTV Editorial]

Published: September 15, 2021

About Judicial Corruption around Memphis

Corruption can or may exist where there is community indifference or a lack of enforcement policies. The forms of corruption can vary. They can include bribery, extortion, the misuse of inside information, and so on. Corruption is said to be improper and usually unlawful conduct intended to secure a benefit for oneself or another.

Corruption can or may exist even in the judicial system around Memphis. They say that judicial corruption refers to the corruption-related misconduct of judges, through the receiving or giving of bribes, the improper sentencing of convicted criminals, bias in the hearing and judgement of arguments and other forms of misconduct.

How about prosecutors or attorneys? They say that judicial corruption can also be conducted by prosecutors and defense attorneys. For example, it is mentioned that prosecutorial misconduct can occur when a politician or a crime boss bribes a prosecutor to open investigations and file charges against opposing politicians or rival crime bosses in order to hurt the competition.

Let’s think about the examples of attorney misconduct. It would be a defense attorney refusing to represent a client for commercial, political or professional motives in various kinds of clandestine forms. How about so-called “personal injury lawyers“? They may have hidden deals with insurance companies or other attorneys ’behind the curtain’ or ’under the table’ while betraying their clients or stabbing in the back of their clients. Who knows?

If and when you feel that you experience or suffer from a horrible crime, extreme unfairness or a serious injury whatever the reasons are, and if you want to pursue “Justice” in the judicial system around Memphis, do you think you can get such justice with ease? You may not be able to do that easily.

It is not only so demanding and stressful to navigate the U.S. judicial system, but also there is great possibility that such system may not function well or not be that efficient because of judicial malfunction or corruption. Each cases can be different, but it may not be that easy to establish indivisual justice whatever the cases are. Actually, it is very difficult process to do that, which requires great level of money, time, energy, and emotion.

It is said that judicial corruption can be difficult to completely eradicate, even in developed countries. If you believe that you can pursue, find and establish “Justice” in the judicial system around Memphis, you may be one of the naivest guys around Memphis. The Memphians should try to think of and find the CONNECTING LINK among corrupt judges and white-collar criminals. And such corrupt judges should be put in prision. In the same manner which they put other criminals in the prison.

Nobody is above the law in the United States. Lawmakers are not the kings here. And the judges are not the kings, either. The same standard of law should be applied to them, too. Like any other Americans.

[MemphisTV Editorial]


Published: September 2, 2021

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How to have better local police around Memphis

Why did the Memphians end up having low quality of local police? How can we have better local police?

Theoretically, the police are the official organization that is responsible for making sure that people obey the law. It is said that police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing.

The Memphians don’t deserve low quality of local police. They deserve having better service of local law enforcement. At the same time, Memphians deserve low quality of local police because they allowed it to exist for a long time.

There was not enough level of checks and balances in terms of local government agencies. The first and direct blame belongs to local police and government, but the final and ultimate responsibility belong to Memphians.

The role of local police around Memphis can be controversial, as some of them may be involved to varying degrees in corruption. We don’t know or at least can’t prove YET what kind of corruption can or may exist within local police departments including, but not limited to Memphis Police Department, West Memphis Police Department, and Germantown Police Department.

A lot of police officers whom we can see on the street every day seem to work hard in order to discharge their duties or responsibilities. However, superior office or authority within the local police departments falls under suspicion of corruption. Such signs of ORGANIZED CORRUPTION are being caught especially regarding cunning and cruel white-collar crimes.

The Memphians should try to send those “Rotten Apples” into prison. That’s the way the Memphians can have better local police. Rotten apples should be put in prision.

Memhis TV Editorial

Published: August 25, 2021

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White-collar crime in Memphis, TN

White-collar crime, crime committed by persons who, often by virtue of their occupations, exploit social, economic, or technological power for personal or corporate gain according to the definiton of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It is said that the term, coined in 1939 by the American criminologist Edwin Sutherland, drew attention to the typical attire of the perpetrators, who were generally businesspeople, high-ranking professionals, and politicians.

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in 2014, the city of Memphis ranked eleventh in violent crimes for major cities around the U.S. In 2006, Memphis led the nation in number of violent crimes. In 2001, 2005, and 2007, Memphis ranked second most dangerous in the nation among cities with a population over 500,000. It also ranked as most dangerous in 2002. There are approximately 182 gangs in Memphis, Tennessee with 8,400 gang members in the county.

When people think about or talk about the crimes in Memphis, TN, they tend to think or mention mostly about physical violence or visible crimes here in this community including, but not limited to assault, robbery, larceny, carjacking, homicide, gun violence, and so on. But the danger of white-collar crime is much more serious, more dangerous, more destructive, more vicious, crueller, nastier, more disgusting, and more anti-human than visible crimes.

They say that the traditional white-collar crimes involve embezzlement, bribery, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, antitrust violations, tax crimes, regulatory violations, price collusion, false statements, falsifying reports, unfair and deceptive practices, perjury and so forth. Later they broaden the scope of white-collar crime to health-care fraud, intellectual property crimes, computer crime or cybercrime. The use of deceit, concealment and the breach of trust is the distinct characteristics of white-collar crimes.

It’s time that the Memphians should think about the horrible consequences of danger which white-collar criminals can bring to the local community. The consequences don’t end up pursuing such criminals’ financial gain but can bring frustration, despair, hopelessness to the citizens and indivisuals in the community. They can even destroy innocent people’s lives through very merciless, brutal, cunning, heinous, destructive, or cold-blooded ways.

Human history didn’t experience the World War 3 yet. But maybe the Memphians may have to see or face the 3rd war between the righteous, courageous, and compassionate citizens and the wicked, inhumane, and heartless white-collar criminals. It’s time this local community shine a flashlight on the white-collar crimes.

(This editorial of MemphisTV was published on July 9, 2020.)