
“If What We Are Talking About Is Not Impeachable, Nothing Is”


Sen. Warren On Health Care: ‘I Will Sign Anything That Helps’


Sen. Warren On Impeachment: ‘I Hope We Hold Him Accountable’

The White House lawyer had lunch with Republican senators instead of participating in the impeachment hearing. Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Trump is trying to avoid accountability and worries Republicans aren’t interested in a sober deliberation of the facts: “It’s another clever political move at a time when we really should not be talking politics”. Aired on 12/05/19.


World Leaders Appear To Be Commiserating About Trump

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, British PM Boris Johnson and French President Macron appeared to be caught in a hot-mic moment, seemingly talking about President Trump. Aired on 12/04/19.


Pelosi On Impeachment: ‘The President Leaves Us No Choice But To Act’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., gave a statement that she has asked to move the impeachment inquiry forward/ “In America no one is above the law” she said, adding “the president leaves us no choice but to act.”


Who’s afraid of Mike Bloomberg?

Mike Bloomberg thinks he can become the Democratic nominee for president with an unconventional approach: Skip early voting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire, focus on vote-rich states like California, and bombard voters with an endless stream of ads touting his accomplishments.

China Politics

Sen. Rick Scott: There can’t be a deal with China

Sen. Rick Scott, (R-Fla.), argues it’s impossible to reach a trade agreement with China because they lie.

Law Politics

Three experts testify Trump committed impeachable acts, one dissents

Three legal experts testified in front of the Judiciary Committee that President Trump committed impeachable offenses. However, one expert did not agree with that conclusion.


Sen. Lee: Law professor comparing Trump to a monarch is ‘irresponsible’

Senate Judiciary Committee member Mike Lee reacts to testimony from House committee impeachment hearing.

Law Politics

Constitutional Scholars Say Trump Committed Several Impeachable Offenses

The House Judiciary Committee heard from four law professors on the historic and constitutional basis for impeachment. And while their testimony was academic in substance, the majority’s three witnesses were unanimous in their conclusion that the President committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Aired on 12/4/19.